User Interface Troubleshooting Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 6 This form will aid in determining issues causing communication errors. Please complete every detail of this form. At the end if you still have questions click submit. The completed form will be sent to our Technical Support representatives and you will receive a call during normal business hours. Please stay at the job and give us the opportunity to assist you. Troubleshooting Infinity / Evolution Communication ProblemsDO NOT START BY CHANGING BOARDS AND CONTROLS.Most communication issues are created by the connecting control wiring, not system parts. If the UI will let you always check the “Last 10 System Events” to see what is listed there. You may see multiple events on the communicating outdoor unit of low pressure, or outdoor sensor errors. That may indicate a communication problem. Do not rush to change parts that will not correct your problem. Do a reinstall. If you have a communicating outdoor unit that is communicating correctly it will not ask you any questions about that unit during the reinstall. Do not change any parts until you have connected ABCD from the UI to ABCD on the indoor unit with nothing else connected. If the UI and indoor unit communicate properly then you should be able to go to the outdoor unit or any other connected equipment, disconnect the wires to the ABCD bus, and connect those wires to ABCD on the UI. Then do a reinstall and try to communicate back to the indoor unit without problems. This is testing the wire from the other equipment back to the indoor unit. If you now have problems that wiring should be considered the issue. Try running a temporary wire (down the hall and out a window if necessary), do a reinstall, and test your system. Follow flow chart below. CAM Contact – Are you already working with a CAM? Please select from the list below to reach out to them directly. *CAM GroupStephen MeursType of Communication Issue *Outdoor Communication FaultIndoor Communication FaultSystem Communication FaultNot Sure… Would like to test system CommunicationBefore proceeding please verify that you have line voltage present to all equipment that the system might be attempting to communicate with. Have you verified this at each piece of equipment? *YesNoNextTouch or LegacyDoes your application have a Infinity/Evolution Touch or Legacy Control? *Legacy ControlInfinity/Evolution A Series Touch ScreenInfinity/Evolution B Series Touch ScreenPreviousNextLegacy ControlHold the Advanced Button until the screen changes *Click here when doneUse the middle grey button to scroll down to install *Click here when doneSelect Installation *Click here when doneSelect Re-install *DoneInfinity A Series TouchStep 1: Hold the service icon until the Icon turns green *DoneStep 2: Select Installation *DoneStep 3: Complete a full system Installation *DoneInfinity B Series TouchStep 1: Hold the service icon until the Icon turns green *DoneStep 2: Select Installation *DoneStep 3: Complete a full system Installation *DoneDid the system find all installed components and perform an airflow test? *YesNoDid the UI locate the Indoor Unit *YesNoIf your USER Interface is displaying “Enter DEMO MODE” this means the USER Interface is not communicating with the Indoor unit. Try switching the 2 wires used on terminals A & B between the USER Interface and the Indoor unit or you may want to take the USER Interface to the Indoor unit and connect it directly to the indoor unit with a short piece of Low Voltage wire to test.Did the UI locate the Outdoor Unit *YesNoPreviousNextSuccessful CommunicationNow that you are successfully communicating you have determined the equipment and control are operating correctly. The issue could have been a loose connection or a wire moved during the testing or a faulty wire between the indoor unit and UI. We recommend putting everything back together and testing the system *DoneUnit TypeSome models only use A, B, & C when connected to the outdoor unit. Other models use A, B, C, & D which do you have?Step 1: Look at the board below the green plug where the communication wires connect to the Condenser.Does the board have A B C "Do not use" or ABCD *ABC “Do not use” or “PL18”ABCDIndoor Unit CheckStep 1: Go to the Indoor unit and remove the green plug from the board *DoneStep 2: Use your volt meter and set it for DC volts and measure the voltage output on terminals A & B *You measure between 3.1-4.5 vdcYou measure less then 3.0 vdcMost likely your board is goodYou should check the 2 Low voltage wires between the Indoor unit and the USER Interface for shorts or breaks or you may want to take the USER Interface to the Indoor unit and connect it directly to the indoor unit with a short piece of Low Voltage wire to test.Step 3: Plug the green plug back in, wait 60 seconds, check the DC voltage on terminals A & B of the green plug while its plugged in *The voltage fluctuates between 2.0 vdc – 4.5 vdcThe voltage fluctuates between 0.0 vdc – 2.0 vdcYou most likely have a low voltage short or bad outdoor boardRemove the wires going to the Outdoor unit, leaving just the User Interface and the Indoor unit connected. Re-check voltage on terminals A & B of the green plug. If the voltage is fluctuating between 2.0 vdc – 4.5 vdc the issue is a short in the Low Voltage wires going to the Outdoor unit or the outdoor unit board has failed. Test the outdoor board output by removing the green plug and verifying 3.1 vdc – 4.5 vdc output on terminals A & B. If you have 3.1 vdc – 4.5 vdc, you most likely have a short in your Low voltage wires and the outdoor board is fine. Most likely your board has failedPreviousNextOutdoor Communication – ABThis model has a transformer or Inverter outside that powers the control board. The instructions below will help walk you through providing power to the User Interface for testing. Step 1: Turn Power off to the Outdoor unit *DoneStep 2: Disconnect ABCD plug from the outdoor unit *DoneStep 3: Connect the ABCD plug from outdoor unit to the back of the Infinity Touch *DoneStep 4: With a separate 2-4' piece of NEW thermostat wire, connect one end of white wire to C, and one end of the Red wire to D on the green plug connected to the User Interface with A & B still connected. *DoneSome outdoor units do not use a green plug. In this case you will need to furnish one. (Part #SYSTXXGRPLG-01)Step 5: Connect the other end of the 2-4' jumper to the Condenser. Connect Red to UTIL/24-UTIL and White to C on the Control board. This will provide voltage AC/DC to power the User Interface for testing. *DoneStep 6: Turn Power on to the indoor unit. *DoneStep 7: Turn Power on to the outdoor unit. *DoneNOTE: The Outdoor unit will NOT be found because it is not connected. If the User Interface says the outdoor unit is not found the indoor unit and User Interface have successfully communicated.Outdoor Communication – ABCDABCD – Green, Yellow, White, Red – “Get Your Wiring Right” or “Give Your Wife Roses” Step 1: Connect the User Interface to the ABCD plug from the outdoor unit. The plug will line up and slip over the pins on the back of the UI. ABCD must be color coded the same as the indoor unit (see illustration below) *DoneStep 2: Turn Power back on to your indoor unit. *DoneStep 3: Go outside and check for communication with the indoor unit with the UI. *DoneNOTE: The Outdoor unit will not be found because it is not connected. If the User Interface says the outdoor unit is not found the indoor unit and User Interface have successfully communicated.Does the User Interface display "Can not communicate with equipment" or "Outdoor unit not found" *“Cannot Communicate with equipment”“Outdoor Unit not found”Does the User Interface display "Can not communicate with equipment" or "Outdoor unit not found" *“Cannot Communicate with equipment”“Outdoor Unit not found”CONGRATULATIONS!!!You have successfully corrected the issue. Sometimes wire can become corroded or not make good connection over time. By going through the previous steps you have corrected this issue.Would you like additional conversation regarding this job with Tech Support? *YesNoOutside Unit Communications 2nd AttemptReconnect the green plug with wires attached *DoneTurn power on to outdoor unit. *DoneGo to the Unit Interface (wall control) and perform a reinstall. *DoneWas the outdoor unit found? *YesNoOutdoor Board DiagnosticIn this exercise you will be required to test resistances in the 1,000s of ohms Ω. Please verify that your meter has the proper sensitivity to perform this task. To verify this, test the resistance through your body by pinching one lead of your meter in each hand with your fingers moist and the meter set to ohms Ω. If your meter shows a resistance it will work for this task. Otherwise it will not work for this purpose and you will need to get one that will in order to properly service this equipment.Have you verified that your meter is capable of performing these tests according to the instructions above? *YesNoVerify Power is off to the outdoor unit *DoneWith the green plug disconnected and power off ohm the A-B terminals on the board – Expected reading for 1 stage, 2 stage, & Variable speed = 28k – 34k Ohms ΩOnly numbers in k-ohms should be entered below ……. (example 28.4) meter could read 28400 ohms = 28.4 k ohms NOTE: Your meter must be capable of reading in the thousands of ohms.Measured OHM reading between terminals A-B on the board – Expected reading for 1 stage, 2 stage, & Variable speed = 28k – 34k Ohms Ω *The reading was between 28k-34k ohms ΩThe reading was higher than 28k-34k ohms ΩThe reading was lower than 28k-34k ohms ΩWith the green plug disconnected and power off ohm the A-C terminals on the board – Expected reading for 1 stage, 2 stage, & Variable speed = 16k – 20k Ohms Ω *The reading was between 16k-20k ohms ΩThe reading was higher than 16k-20k ohms ΩThe reading was lower than 16k-20k ohms ΩOnly numbers in k-ohms should be entered below ……. (example 28.4) meter could read 28400 ohms = 28.4 k ohms NOTE: Your meter must be capable of reading in the thousands of ohms.With the green plug disconnected and power off ohm the B-C terminals on the board – Expected reading for 1 stage, 2 stage, & Variable speed = 13k – 15k Ohms Ω *The reading was between 13k-15k ohms ΩThe reading was higher than 13k-15k ohms ΩThe reading was lower than 13k-15k ohms ΩOnly numbers in k-ohms should be entered below ……. (example 28.4) meter could read 28400 ohms = 28.4 k ohms NOTE: Your meter must be capable of reading in the thousands of ohms.5 Stage Inverter AOC Boards = A-B 15-17 K ohms Ω (old versions up to 141203) A-B 28-34 K ohms Ω (newer versions after 141203)5 Stage Inverter AOC Boards = A-B 15-17 K ohms Ω (old versions up to 141203) A-B 28-34 K ohms Ω (newer versions after 141203)The reading was between the values described aboveThe reading was higher than the values described aboveThe reading was lower than the values described aboveWere all readings within the prescribed values? *YesNoOutside Unit Communications 2nd Attempt *DoneReconnect the green plug with wires attachedTurn power on to outdoor unit. *DoneGo to the Unit Interface (wall control) and perform a reinstall. *DoneWas the outdoor unit found? *YesNoPlease scroll back up and recheck your OHM readingsPreviousNextWire IssueEarlier we determined that the User Interface could successfully communicate with the Indoor Unit and not the outdoor unit. The only variable we changed in-between was the wire used for the communication. The lack of Communication from outdoor unit to the indoor unit has been isolated to the wire/connections connecting the two pieces of equipment.Please feel free to provide feedback below:Do you need to talk to tech support on this issue? *YesNoCONGRATULATIONS!!!You have determined a possible issue. CONGRATULATIONS!!!Sometimes wire can become corroded or not make good connection over time. By going through the previous steps you have corrected this issue.Would you like additional conversation regarding this job with Tech Support *YesNoCONGRATULATIONS!!! You have successfully corrected the issue. Sometimes wire can become corroded or not make good connection over time. By going through the previous steps you have corrected this issue.Would you like additional conversation regarding this job with Tech Support? *YesNoName *FirstLastPhone *Email *Are you still on site? *YES, I am on the jobsiteNO, I am not on the jobsiteCan you receive a text message at the phone number above? *YESNOCondensing unit model# *Condensing unit serial# *Indoor unit model# *Indoor unit serial# *USER Interface model# *USER Interface serial# *USER Interface Software Version *List All System Events and Number of OccurrencesFound in the "Advanced Menu", "Service" , "Run/Fault History, select each device listed. Also Last 10 System Events Can be helpful as well. (EXAMPLE 103 – Low indoor Temp Zone 1 – 1 Occurrence; 106 Low indoor Temp Zone 4 – 1 Occurrence) *Once the information has been reviewed, a Customer Assurance Manager will reachout to assist you.PreviousSubmit